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Ramadhan & Fasting
221. One of my friends asked me, "what is the purpose and history of ramadhan?" Unfortunately, I was unable to give him a clear answer. Please help me understand clearly, the purpose and history of Ramadhan. Thank You 222. Assalamu alaikkum, Q1. Is it permissible to have sex with my wife, before 'suhoor' , after making 'Niyyat' , to fast on the next day ? Is there any restriction regarding this ? Q2. Is it persmissible to take shower together with my wife in the same bathroom ? Please reply 223. Pregnant fasting regret 224. As-salaam was alaikum. I have been a regular reader of your questions and answers, and I have been somewhat impressed by them. I am somewhat in confusion over your last answer about breaking the fast. As per the beliefs which I am aware of, a person is not allowed to fast when he/she is traveling. That is if the person leaves the limit of the city, then he cannot fast. So as per you answer, Prophet Muhammad (pbah) while traveling asked his companion to prepare for the opening of fast in the evening even though a lot of time was left. If in reality the Prophet was on a journey, could he have continued his fast? If yes then we are going away for the belief that we have to atleast stay in a town for 10 days before praying the full Namaz, and fasting. Please clarify this point. Also, is it right to let Magrib Namaz get kaza, so as to eat food. 225. Night of Glory 226. Dear Brother, Q1. I prayed only occasionally until about 40 years of age. I have now been very regular for the last 10 years. Is it possible for me to compensate for that by adding Qazza salats with my daily five-times prayers? Q2. I did not fast for about 20 years because I was actively flying fighter aircraft and the regulations do not permit fasting. While my wife fed people to compensate for that, I am not fully satisfied. Tell me if and how I can compensate. 227. What is the true and real meaning and importance of this holy month? what does all the fasting mean, why do we do it? 228. I have missed a fast due to some reason please tell me what Kafarat do I have to give please let me know as soon as possible. Thanking You, 229. Brother,i wanna know if the taraweeh prayer is 20 rakaat(unit) or less.did prophet mohammad(sws) told us to perform this amount of saalat or not? 230. Does shampooing, oiling hair invalidate a fast? 231. Timings to Start Fast 232. What did the Prophet (saws) do on Eid-ul-fitr 233. Taraweeh 8 or 20 rakaahs 234. Sajdah in taraweeh 235. Is suhur compulsory? 236. Brother Burhan; salamalaikum, we have leanrt many things of value from your emails and thankeful to you indeed for that.May Allah bless you and your friends and members of the forum for conducting this great service, to bring back the people to original,correct and the rightful source of understanding our deen and that is the Quran as you have rightly pointed out many times. I have five questions for your today, and once again many thanks, may Allah protect you and your collegues , give you strength and courage to carry on what you are doing, inshallah. Q.1 Regarding Tahara; where in the Quran , we are commanded to keep ourselves clean except for Qusl, I don`t remember reading about other things. Q.2 In ramadan, the correct time for breaking the fast is before praying magreb or after it ? In as much as I have researched on this subject, it is it is the Prophet`s sunnah to break the fast first and then pray the magreb prayers. Q.3 Bohras follow the Misry calender , which is , in general practice I have seen a day before or ahead of the Islamic calender. So they celebrate their eid a day earlier, start and finish ramadan a day earlier , even I have seen people going to spent the day in arafat a day earlier [during haj time] , ofcource it is not allowed now by saudi authorities, so they are not doing under pressure. which calender or the way to determine the new moon is the correct way according to the Quran and sunnah. Q.4 I have seen many of oour bohra friends especially gujrati speaking,never say "salamalikum" to greet each other but say ` kaim choo ` [how are you in gujrati]. Is not saying salamalikum or greeting each other like that not an established sunnah of the prophet. In fact I heard one time, one bhai saheb, making a remark about another bohra brother, who use to say salamalikum, to quote, he said " why do you wish like the muslims do" , may be he does not know or teaching others that we the bohras are not muslims , and I used to think what are we if not muslims, perhaps "momins". Q.5 The custom of hugging or embracing a person three times to offer him condolances, [when somebody dies in the family] is this an Islamic tradition, derived from the Quran or sunnah of the prophet ? with best regards, your brother in islam 237. Discharge of semen in a dream break a fast? 238. Taraweeh prayers 239. Asslam U Alakum,Sir it will be greatly appreciated if u could please let me know following 1) IMPORTANCE OF RAMZAN AS PER QURAN & PROPHET SAWS HADIS 2) WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO WORSHIP IN THIS HOLY MONTH OF RAMZAN 3) NORMALLY I RECEIVED MY REPLY BUT A LITTLE BIT DELAY IT WILL BE HIGHLY APPRECIATED IF REPLIES WILL BE A BIT FAST .... BECAUSE THEN THE SAME REPLY FROM YR END WHICH I RECEIVE I CIRCULATE TO THE PEOPLE WHOM I HAVE CONTACTS ..ALLAH HAFIZ 240. What breaks a fast?