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121. I want to know that how we all born i denied that concept that Adam ( as ) give birth birth to boy n girl 122. How can one say that he/she had ziyarat of prophet mohammed 123. I m very active in blog , where people express their own personal view. 124. What was Prophet Mohammad`s age at the time of his marriage to Aisha. 125. I know that seeing prophet Mohammed in one`s dream is true thing.. 126. I had heard and read some say that ALLAH would have not created this world 127. One of our friend said that rasool (SAW) listens to salaam directly 128. Whenever we mention the last prophet`s name we add Peace be upon him 129. "Did prophet Mohammed S.A.W scratched a man with his nail who entually died because of the scratch" 130. Whenever Hazrat Muhammad(PBUH) took bath, he did not use any cloth to wipe is body 131. Did Jesus (pbuh) ever marry and have children? 132. Did Hazrat Adam (a.s) Teach us (mankind) anything about religion 133. What is the significance of 12th rabbiul awal? what should one do? 134. I would like to know if it is right to say that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is not alive. 135. Why do people Kiss there Thumb nails while hearing Ashad wana Mohammadar Rasool ullah 136. The Quram has mentioned about 25names(out of 124000 as per habeith) of prophets 137. I have a doubt regarding authencity of the hadees. i sbscribed myself to a hadees site wich sends 1 hadees daily, named AHAD 138. I am asking a question in the light of Q&A related to Prophet Mohammad SAW being alive in his grave, and you clarified in the light of Quran and Hadith 139. It`s well known in Islam that it`s totally not allowed to build a mosque on the top of a grave, or pray in a mosque which is built on grave or has a grave.. 140. With reference to the question that was posted above about the Prophet (AS) being alive after his death, I would like to say that I disagree with what you have written and with due respect to you it seems that you have misinterptreted the ayats in the Holy Qur'an.