1. Inheritance when mother dies 2. Who is an orphan. 3. Duties of a widow widower. 4. Keeping stuff toys: Is my prayer acceptable in the presence of them? 5. Are we allowed to visit Dargah? 6. Non Islamic sites 7. Call from ALLAH to perform Umrah or Hajj 8. Can you explain how the Khula procedure is done? 9. Translation of Dhalikal Kitabu 10. Wish merry christmas. 11. Life insurance and interest to charity. 12. The sin of abortion. 13. Father inheritance: .. 14. Child conceived of zina wedlock. 15. Response to istikhara. 16. Forbidden times for reading Quran 17. Things to do during new born baby 18. Angels dont enter house hijaab. 19. Huqooq ul ibaad. 20. Sex before marriage