1. Best way of spreading Islam 2. The sin of abortion. 3. Things to do during new born baby 4. Please explain when Tawaf Al Wida (Farewell Tawaf) is obligatory. 5. To what extent is use of "taweez" or amulets allowed in Islam 6. How to pray for the dead people, what special sural and dua to read etc. 7. List of Mehram 8. Forbidden times for reading Quran 9. Fate and destiny. 10. Can one make dua to allah to increase height 11. Dua from good brother 12. Response to istikhara. 13. Why the majority of Muslims dont follow Nahjul Balagha? 14. What are the Pillars of Islam? 15. Rewards for fasting ashura muharram. 16. Is there life on other Planets 17. Why do muslims spend millions of dollars to build a mosque? 18. Women gold unlawful albani. 19. Cannot find the job, is this test from Allah?: A.S. I have recently lost most my Job and I was feeling depressed about it because of the length of time it is taking so far to obtain a new one? I have thoughts keep popping up of not being able to cover my expenses to look after my family and sometimes resentment. My question is please explain from the guidance of the Holy Quran and examples of noble prophets, how should we as Muslims deal with it; should I just be patient and accept I am being tested and is part of my destiny? Many thanks and pray to Allah for great rewards for your tremendous work. 20. Stars astrology future prediction.