1. How many wives did the Prophet have and Why? 2. Can one make dua to allah to increase height 3. How to pray for the dead people, what special sural and dua to read etc. 4. Respect for Syed family 5. Durood salawaat & who are included in ale mohamed and signifcance 6. Jesus Son of Mary Will Judge MAnkind. 7. What is "Halala" in Islam ? 8. I masturbate and then i repent and masturbate again will allah forgive me? 9. Islamic bank loan. 10. Shave head of new born 11. Surah Rahmaan Quran medical cure. 12. Can one perform nikkah by themselves. 13. Quran aayahs mentioning the five time prayers 14. Custody of child if mother dies. 15. Does sexual thoughts break a fast? 16. Can you explain how the Khula procedure is done? 17. Casual talk with non mehram. 18. What name to call husband wife. 19. Sword of Hadrat Ali 20. Nigerian woman stoned to Death