1. Evil eye remedy cure. 2. Take wife back after divorce. 3. Celebrating birthdays allowed in Islam? 4. Cannot find the job, is this test from Allah?: A.S. I have recently lost most my Job and I was feeling depressed about it because of the length of time it is taking so far to obtain a new one? I have thoughts keep popping up of not being able to cover my expenses to look after my family and sometimes resentment. My question is please explain from the guidance of the Holy Quran and examples of noble prophets, how should we as Muslims deal with it; should I just be patient and accept I am being tested and is part of my destiny? Many thanks and pray to Allah for great rewards for your tremendous work. 5. How to perform itikaf home woman 6. Who and what are the ashara mubashireen ten. 7. Custody of child if mother dies. 8. How many wives did the Prophet have and Why? 9. Fate and destiny. 10. Women gold unlawful albani. 11. Can husband clean wife pubic hair. 12. I masturbate and then i repent and masturbate again will allah forgive me? 13. How many times Prophet Mohammed (saws) performed Hajj and Umrah? 14. Why the majority of Muslims dont follow Nahjul Balagha? 15. Three types of Tawheed 16. Why should one use Politics in religion? 17. Imam Hasan had married 68 times? 18. Killing a lizard. 19. How to determine deeds for Allah. 20. Tarawih Prayer a Nafl or Sunnah