1. Call from ALLAH to perform Umrah or Hajj 2. How many times Prophet Mohammed (saws) performed Hajj and Umrah? 3. Ghusl after intercourse. 4. Stock Market Halaal or Haraam? 5. If he does not give me a separate house, I want a divorce. is that fine?: Wife demands separate house 6. Black camels and buildings prophecy. 7. What is the right way to do Aqiqa? 8. Huqooq ul ibaad. 9. Nigerian woman stoned to Death 10. Who is Burhan and where does he get the answers from? 11. Things to do during new born baby 12. Zina repentance. 13. Three types of Tawheed 14. Marry the one who raped 15. Duties of a widow widower. 16. Can we give Zakat to our blood relative ? 17. Are you allowed to sleep naked in the bed 18. CAR FINANCE IS HILAL OR HARAM 19. Who created Allah? 20. Difference between iqama and adhan.