1. What is the minimum amount of mahr? What is the modern equivalent of the mahr of the Mothers of the Believers? 2. Is it haraam to urinate standing up? 3. Dhikr after salaah and before sleeping 4. Did the dinosaurs really exist? 5. Can she wear perfume when she goes out with her husband? 6. Ruling on wearing one's clothes below one's ankles 7. Why should the wife obey her husband? 8. She dislikes her husband but he refuses to divorce her and he does not give her her rights 9. Ruling on democracy and elections and participating in that system 10. Removing hair and nails during the menstrual period 11. Ruling on eye drops for one who is fasting 12. Ruling on music, singing and dancing 13. Al-hijaamah (cupping): what Islam says about it, its benefits and the times when it should be done 14. Ruling on Eid prayers 15. Keeping a dog, touching it and kissing it 16. Questions about zakaah on jewellery and how it should be paid and who should pay it 17. There is no connection between fasting and cutting one's nails or shaving one's pubic hairs 18. Ways to Help Oneself Pray Qiyaam al-Layl 19. Does masturbation without ejaculation break the fast? 20. Conditions of wiping over socks