My question now is about fasting 6 days in the month of Shawal
Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,
As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa
Barakatuh. (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)
One of our brothers/sisters has asked
this question:
Dear brother in Islam.
I have
asked you so many questions and got the answer from you. Thank you very much.
May Allah Bless You and All.
My question now is about fasting 6 days in the month of Shawal. How did
Rasullah fast in the month of Shawal. Immediately after Eid or any day in the
month of Shawal. How about ladies who cannot fast because of haid. Must ladies
qadar ramadan fast first before sunnat shawal.
Thank you.
(There may be some grammatical and spelling
errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from
questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in
Missed or voluntary fasts
In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask
for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever
He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that
there is no one (no idol, no person, no
grave, no prophet, no imam, no dai,
nobody!) worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad
(saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.
Your Question: My
question now is about fasting 6 days in the month of Shawal. How did Rasullah
fast in the month of Shawal.
Abu Ayyub al-Ansari
reported that the Prophet (saws) said: "Whoever fasts during the month of
Ramadan and then follows it with six days of Shawwal, will be [rewarded] as if
he had fasted the entire year."
Related by Muslim,
Tirmidhi, Ahmad, Abu Dawood.
To the best of our knowledge, there is no mention in the
authentic and established Sunnah regarding the exact days of voluntary fasting
of the Messenger of Allah (saws) during the month of Shawwal other than or any
different than his practice of observing voluntary fasts in any other month of
the year (except Ramadan). The Sunnah of
the Messenger of Allah (saws) was to observe his voluntary fasts on Mondays and
Thursdays, and/or on the 13th, 14th, 15th of
the month.
Your Question:
Immediately after Eid or any day in the month of Shawal.
One may observe one’s voluntary or supererogatory fasts on
any days one wishes or is easy for them, but one should abstain from observing
voluntary fasts exclusively on the Day of Friday, unless one fasts one day
before or after with it.
Fiqh-us-Sunnah Fiqh 3.121
The day of Friday is a kind of weekly 'id for
Muslims and, therefore, it is discouraged and disliked to fast on that day.
Most scholars say that this prohibition is one of dislike and not one of
complete forbiddance.
If one fasts on the day before or after it,
or if it is a day that one customarily fasts on (for example, the 13th, 14th,
or 15th of the month), or if it is the day of 'Arafah or Ashurah, then it is
not disliked to fast on such a Friday.
Abdullah ibn Amr reported that the Messenger
of Allah (saws) entered the room of Juwairiyah bint al-Harith while she was
fasting on a Friday. He (saws) asked her: "Did you fast yesterday?" She answered, "No." He (saws) said:
"Do you plan to fast tomorrow?" She answered, "No." Then he (saws) said:
"Then break your fast."
Related by Ahmad and an-Nasa'i.
Amr al-Ashari reported that he heard the
Messenger of Allah (saws) say: "Verily, Friday is an Eid for you, so do
not fast on it unless you fast the day before or after it."
Related by al-Bazzar.
Your Question: How
about ladies who cannot fast because of haid. Must ladies qadar ramadan fast
first before sunnat shawal.
It is absolutely preferred that any believer, regardless
of male or female, who has missed some days of obligatory fasts of Ramadan
should make up their missed fasts first before performing any voluntary or
supererogatory fasts.
The missed fasts of Ramadan are a debt one owes to their
Lord and must be fulfilled before one performs any of the ‘nafl’ or ‘voluntary’
Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to
Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me alone. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only
Source of Strength.
Your brother and
well wisher in Islam,