In past history, few times on complaint the establishnent of perticular Muslim sect been forced to appear to the countrys court for its illegal activities and wrong beleif on different issues by followers.
Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,
As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. (May Allah's
Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)
One of our brothers/sisters has asked this question:
salaam. kindly help to avoid confusion.
In past history, few times on complaint the
establishnent of perticular Muslim sect been forced to appear to the countrys
court for its illegal activities and wrong beleif on different issues by
But it is fact that every time every court
and judiciary have almost granted favourable decision tawards the establishment
of the sect.
And whoever made complain to the court have
oftenly lost the case and all their efforts n
struggles proved to be vain. On this
injustice, what should one normal man understand and how he keep his mind clear
(There may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. The forum does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from our readers for circulation in confidentiality.)
Injustice in courts
In the name of Allah, We
praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah
guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide
them aright. We bear witness that there is no one (no idol, no person, no grave, no prophet, no imam,
no dai, nobody!) worthy of
worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant
and the seal of His Messengers.
Dear and Beloved Brother
in Islam, the courts of this world, regardless of whether the courts who judge
by man-made laws or the Shariah Courts who judge according to the Laws of Allah
and His Messenger (saws), give their judgments based on the evidence and proof
presented to them. Even if the judge
gives the decision in the favor of one party, and the party knows that they
have been allocated more than what is their right, they should not take it and
return it back to the other party; for that allocation would be unlawful for
them and they would be guilty in the Just and Supreme Court of Allah Subhanah
for taking what did not rightfully belong to them.
Al-Bukhari Hadith 9.281 Narrated
by Um Salama
Allah's Messenger
(saws) said, "I am only a human being, and you people (opponents) come to
me with your disputes; and it may be that one of you can present his case
eloquently in a more convincing way than the other, and I give my verdict
according to what I hear. So if ever I (by what is presented as evidence to me)
judge and give the right of a brother to his other (brother) then he (the
latter) should not take it, for I am giving him only a piece of Fire."
If one party of the
opponents knows they are in the wrong, and use their power, wealth, or bribes,
etc. influence the judge in any way to give a decision in their favor and the
judge does give the decision in their favor, they might get away with their
injustice in the life of this short and transitory world; but Allah is our
witness, they will not get away with their injustice and oppression done to the
other party in the Just and Supreme Court of the All-Just Lord on an Inevitable
and Tumultuous Day of Judgment!
Your Question: On this injustice, what should one normal
man understand and how he keep his mind clear ?.
If one has been
oppressed and what rightfully belongs to him has been usurped by another party,
one is well within their rights in Islam to pursue the case in a higher court
of law. If after one’s complete and full
striving to the best of one’s ability, one is still not successful in attaining
justice for himself, one should know with conviction that whatever of his
rights were usurped by the other party by injustice and oppression will be
returned back to them in the Hereafter, in the Majestic Presence of the Lord
Most High, Most Just and in that Majestic Court of the Hereafter no one will be
wronged in the least.
The unjust oppressor
might get away with his injustice in the life of this short and transitory
world, but only if he had any knowledge or feared the Tribunal of the Lord, or
knew the price (in deeds) he would have to pay in the Hereafter for the paltry
gain he unjustly usurped in the life of this world, he would never ever had
approached anything which was unlawful for him!
Al-Bukhari Hadith 8.541 Narrated
by Abu Huraira
Messenger (saws) said, "Whoever has wronged his brother, should ask for
his pardon (before his death), as (in the Hereafter) there will be neither
Dinar nor Dirham! (He should secure
pardon in this life) before some of his good deeds are taken and paid to his
brother, or, if he has done no good deeds, some of the bad deeds of his brother
are taken to be loaded on him (in the Hereafter)."
And if the one who was
oppressed knew with conviction that whatever he lost due to the oppression of
the other party would be returned back to him in full in the Just and Supreme
Court of Allah, and that too in the currency of the Hereafter (deeds), he would
bear his loss with patience in the life of this world, and keep his faith firm
in the Absolute Justice of the Lord All-Just.
Allah is our witness, in that Supreme and Just Court of the Lord Most
High no oppressor will be able to move without settling his accounts in full,
and the one who was wronged will be completely satisfied with the compensations
he receives!
Muslim Hadith 6251 Narrated by Abu
Messenger (saws) asked: ‘Do you know who is a pauper (or poorest of all)?’ They
(the Companions of the Prophet (saws)) replied: ‘A pauper amongst us is one who
has neither dirham with him nor wealth.’ He (the Prophet (saws)) said: ‘The
pauper of my Ummah would be he who would come on the Day of Resurrection with
prayers and fasts and Zakat but (he would find himself bankrupt on that day as
he would have exhausted his funds of virtues) since he hurled abuses upon
others, brought calumny against others, unlawfully consumed the wealth of
others, shed the blood of others, and beat others, and his virtues would be
credited to the account of one (who suffered at his hand). And if his good
deeds fall short to clear the account, then their sins would be entered into
(his account) and he would be thrown in the Hell-Fire!’
Whatever written of
Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever
of error is of me alone. Allah Alone
Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.
Your Brother in Islam,