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1. Divorce (talaaq) in the state of anger; and is it necessary to have witnesses to divorce? 2. Are the parents of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in Paradise or in Hell? 3. Is it permissible for husband and wife to remove their clothes when sleeping? What effect does that have on tahaarah (purity, cleanliness)? 4. Dealing with the fitnah (temptation) of women 5. Limits of looking at one’s fiancée and the ruling on touching her and being alone with her. Is her permission a condition of being allowed to look at her? 6. Meaning of belief in al-Qadar (the divine will and decree) 7. What is the punishment for one who drinks alcohol, and are his prayer and fasting valid? 8. The truth about the Mahdi, and the order in which the portents of the Hour will appear 9. Does Islam regard non-Muslims with mercy and compassion? 10. How to deal with sihr (magic/witchcraft) 11. Is it better to fast on Mondays and Thursdays or on three days of each month? 12. Should Taraweeh prayer be offered individually or in congregation? Is completing the Qur’aan in Ramadaan bid’ah? 13. Veil Between Allah and His Slaves Lifted at Time of Breaking Fast 14. Ruling on the things that lead to zina – kissing, touching and being alone together 15. Attributes of the ideal Muslim husband 16. What are the limits within which parents may interfere in their son’s marriage? Is he sinning if he goes against their wishes? 17. Ruling on offering congratulations on the occasion of Eid, and shaking hands and embracing after the prayer 18. Dreams 19. Is love before marriage better? 20. Ruling on photographs