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I want to know whether we people are allowed to talk about fate or not.

Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters,

As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.  (May Allah's Peace, Mercy and Blessings be upon all of you)


One of our brothers/sisters has asked this question:


assalamu alaikum,

Dear brother,i want to know whether we people are allowed to talk about fate or not.I pose you this questions because some of my muslim brothers i know say that whatever they have done and whatever they are going do is written by allah before we were created. so when someone commits adultery and do what our prophet have prohibited us from doing is also written. so my brothers say that it is unfair to punish those people who commit crimes. i do not agree with them.I belive that fate cannot be understand by us . only allah knows about fate. please give me some explanation according to the holy quran and sunna about the undrrstanding of fate.m


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Decree predetermined fate destiny

In the name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for His forgiveness. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, none can guide them aright. We bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad (saws) is His slave-servant and the seal of His Messengers.


Your Question: i want to know whether we people are allowed to talk about fate or not.

Beloved brother in Islam, never ever hesitate or apologize for asking any questions in the deen; for the deen or ‘way of life’ called Al-Islam is based on the Perfect Wisdom and Knowledge of the All Knowing Lord, and every single command of the All Wise Lord is abundant in common-sense and logic. Asking any type of questions in Islam to gain more knowledge, or to confirm the Truth so that one’s heart is more content, or to understand and thus follow with more conviction the dictates of the deen is not only permissible, but absolutely encouraged in Islam. It is the right of the brother or sister to ask anything they wish to clarify in the deen; and it is the responsibility and duty of the good scholars to address the question asked to the best of their knowledge and ability, and in the most polite and humble manner.


What is discouraged in Islam is if one asks questions for the sake of asking, or arguing to ridicule the Truth with absolutely no intention of obeying or following when the Truth is made clear to them, etc. But if one asks questions to clarify and seek knowledge so that one may better follow the deen; such seeking of the Knowledge of Truth is absolutely encouraged in Islam


Your Statement: I pose you this questions because some of my muslim brothers i know say that whatever they have done and whatever they are going do is written by allah before we were created.

Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chatper 57 Surah Hadid verses 22-23:

22 No misfortune can happen on earth or in your souls but is recorded in a Decree before We bring it into existence! That is truly easy for Allah:

23 In order that ye may not despair over matters that pass you by, nor exult over favors bestowed upon you. For Allah Loves not any vainglorious boaster


Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chatper 6 Surah Anaam verse 59:

59 With Him (Allah) are the keys of the Unseen the treasures that none knoweth but He. He knoweth whatever there is on the earth and in the sea. Not a leaf doth fall but with His Knowledge: there is not a grain in the darkness (or depths) of the earth nor anything fresh or dry, but is (inscribed) in a Record Clear.


Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chatper 22 Surah Hajj verse 70:

70 Knowest thou not that Allah knows all that is in heaven and on earth? Indeed it is all in a Record, and that is easy for Allah.


Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chatper 34 Surah Saba verse 3:

3 The Unbelievers say "Never to us will come the hour". Say "Nay! But most surely, by my Lord, it will come upon you by Him Who knows the unseen; from Whom is not hidden the least little atom in the heavens or on earth: nor is there anything less than that or greater, but is (Decreed) in the Record Perspicuous.


Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 94 Narrated by Ubadah ibn as-Samit

Allah's Messenger (saws) said: ‘The first thing which Allah created was the Pen. He commanded it to write. It asked: ‘What should I write?’ He said:’ Write the Decree (al-Qadr).’ So it wrote what had happened and what was going to happen up to eternity.


Beloved brother in Islam, without an iota of a doubt, our Majestic Lord and Creator, in His Perfect and Absolute Knowledge, has recorded in The Decree with Him everything before it comes into existence! To believe in The Majestic and Supreme Lord’s ‘Divine Decree’ or ‘Al-Qadr’ is an integral and fundamental element of ‘faith’ or ‘Emaan’.


Your Question: please give me some explanation according to the holy quran and sunna about the undrrstanding of fate.

Dear and Beloved Brother in Islam, the all-important question that you have asked have perplexed many amongst mankind and it is of paramount importance to understand and comprehend the reality of the matter of fate or destiny, and the test of the application of the faculty of intelligence and the free will which Allah Subhanah has bestowed on mankind as a test, the outcome or result of which will determine the state of the person in the eternal life of the Hereafter.


Sahih Muslim Hadith 6392 Narrated by Hudhayfah ibn Usayd

The Prophet (saws) said: “When the drop of (semen) remains in the womb for forty (days) or forty nights, the angel comes and says: “My Lord, will he be good or evil?” And both these things would be written. Then the angel says: “My Lord, would he be male or female?” And both these things are written. And his deeds and actions, his death, his livelihood; these are also recorded. Then his document of destiny is rolled and there is no addition to and subtraction from it.


In light of the above authentic narration of the Messenger of Allah (saws) quoted, absolutely everything is predetermined; four of which are listed:

  1. Whether the new born will be male or female.
  2. What will be his ‘rizk’ or provision.
  3. What day, date, and place he will die.
  4. Whether the person will be an evil or good person.


We would just like to clarify here what is the actual reality of Fate or Destiny. To get a fuller understanding of Fate, it can be divided into two parts:


Part-1: One part of Fate is things over which the person has absolutely no control. For example, the three points in the above hadith: Whether one will be born male or female, what will his provision be, and what day, date and place he will die. These are the Decisions and Decrees of Allah Subhanah Alone, and no matter what a person does, he cannot change his Decreed sex from male to female, or change his appointment with death, etc. On all such Decrees of the Creator where man has absolutely no control, he will neither be questioned regarding these Decrees of Allah, nor will he be held accountable in the least for the fulfillment of any of these Decisions of Allah Subhanah.


Part-2: The second part of fate is not a Decision or Decree from Allah Subhanah, but is the Absolute and Perfect Knowledge of the All-Knowing, All-Wise Lord. For example, it is written down before one is born whether he will be a good or evil person: but it is not as if Allah Subhanah (I seek refuge in Allah from saying this) is unjust, and has already condemned someone to be evil, so he has to become evil!!! Because Allah Subhanah is the All Knowing, He already knows from His Absolute Knowledge and Wisdom, what the person with the given free will and intelligence will do in the future; and thus what is written is not a Decision from Allah Subhanah, but rather a documentation of the Absolute and Perfect Knowledge of Allah Subhanah.


Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 6.473 Narrated by Ali ibn Abi Taalib

While we were in a funeral procession in Baqi Al-Gharqad, the Messenger of Allah (saws) came and sat down, and we sat around him. He had a small stick in his hand and he bent his head and started scraping the ground with it. He (saws) then said, "There is none among you, and no created soul, but has his place written for him either in Paradise or in the Hell-Fire, and also has his happy or miserable fate (in the Hereafter) written for him." A man said, "O Messenger of Allah (saws)! Shall we depend upon what is written for us and give up doing (good) deeds? For whoever among us is destined to be fortunate (in the Hereafter), will join the fortunate peoples; and whoever among us is destined to be miserable will do such deeds as are characteristic of the people who are destined to misery." The Prophet (saws) said, "Those who are destined to be happy (in the Hereafter) will find it easy and pleasant to do the deeds characteristic of those destined to happiness; while those who are to be among the miserable (in the Hereafter), will find it easy to do the deeds characteristic of those destined to misery." Then he (saws) recited: "As for him who gives (in charity) and keeps his duty to Allah and believes in the Best reward from Allah, We will make smooth for him the path of ease. But he who is a greedy miser and thinks himself self-sufficient, and gives the lie to the best reward from Allah, we will make smooth for him the path for evil." (Quran 92:5-10)


In whatever thing man has absolutely no control or choice to choose, he will not be held accountable for them in the Just and Supreme Court of Allah Subhanah; but in whatever things man has a choice or a free will to choose amongst several options, he will be held accountable for choosing that option.


To understand and comprehend the true concept of Fate and Destiny, one must learn to appreciate the difference between the Lord All-Mighty being All-Knowing and His being the All-Just!


Fate or Destiny is nothing more than the documentation of the Absolute and Perfect Knowledge of our Lord All-Mighty of the conditions and the choice each in creation will make, which He Commanded to be written and preserved even before the creation of anything in the Heavens and the earth! Allah Subhanah is not bound by the dimension of time, as His Perfect and Absolute Knowledge comprehends and envelopes everything of the past, the present, and the future!


Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 94 Narrated by Ubadah ibn as-Samit

Allah's Messenger (saws) said: ‘The (absolute) first thing which Allah created was the Pen. He commanded it to write. It (the pen) asked: ‘What should I write?’ He said: ‘Write the ‘Al-Qadr’ (Decree, Fate, Destiny).’ So it wrote what had happened and what was going to happen up to eternity!’


Allow us to relate a very simple example to clarify our point:


Just suppose a parent has a small son, and one evening the parent decides to put his son to a test and write down on a piece of paper the options he will give his son the next morning, and from his experience with his son, he determines what options the child will take when they are presented to him.


Example-1: Parent will give the option to his son to choose to go to school the next morning or skip school; and the parent, with his knowledge and experience, writes down the son would most probably choose the option to skip school!


Example-2: Parent will give the option to his son to choose to memorize the Quran or watch cartoons on TV; and the parent, with his knowledge, determines and writes that the son would most probably choose to watch TV!


Example-3: Parent would give the option to his son to choose to eat a wholesome and healthy diet of whole wheat-grain and vegetables or eat hamburgers and fries; and the parent, with his knowledge, determines and writes that the son, of his own free will, would most probably choose to eat hamburgers and fries!


Example-4: Parent would give the option to his son to choose to go to the local mosque to offer the dhuhr prayers or spend that time in the video-game arcade; and the parent, with his knowledge, determines and writes that his son, of his own free will, would most probably choose to spend the time in the arcade!


In all the above four examples, the probability is that any normal child, given a free will to choose between the two given options by his parent, would most probably choose the option which the parent had written down before the event took place! Because the child has been given a free will to choose, he is not bound to follow the option his parent had determined his son will take; but in all probability the child will take the option which his parent has pre-determined because the parent knows the temperament and condition of his child and knows exactly what his child will do in the given circumstances. The child has absolutely no control over the conditions and options set for him by his parent, nor is he bound to follow what his parent has documented the child would do, if given a free will to choose in the given circumstances.


But if the same parent gives the same options to his child, but promises a huge reward to his child (say, to buy him a brand new bike or the latest computer of his choice!) if he chooses the better of the two options; the smart and intelligent child would sacrifice the short-term gain in choosing what he desires and would opt for the option which would earn him the pleasure of his parents and the fulfillment of their promised rewards!


Similarly, Allah Subhanah has put mankind to a test by putting him in a set of conditions, and bestowed upon man the faculty of intelligence and a ‘free-will’ for a limited period of one life on this earth, to choose whatever one wishes to do. If man chooses to sacrifice his desire and of his own free choice, sacrifices his will to the Will of His Lord, he will earn His Pleasure and His Promised Rewards!


Since the Knowledge of the All-Knowing, All-Wise Lord of the Worlds is absolutely Perfect and totally Complete in all respects, He Knows and has documented beforehand what each amongst His creation, if given a free will to choose, would do in a given situation. Allah Subhanah, in His Perfect and Absolute knowledge Knows beforehand who amongst His slaves will sacrifice their will to earn His Pleasure and His Rewards, and who amongst His slaves will choose to fulfill whatever their hearts desire regardless of the Will and Pleasure of their Creator; and the precise documentation of that Absolute and Perfect Knowledge of the Lord All-Knowing is what is known as Fate or Destiny or The Decree.


Just as in the above related example of the child who is not bound to do what his parent had pre-determined he would choose, but rather the child chose of his own free will to do what he desired to do; man too, has been given a ‘free will’ to choose whatever he wishes to do as a test from His Creator for a test period of one life on this earth!


The major difference between the knowledge of the parent and the Knowledge of Allah Subhanah is that the Knowledge of our All-Knowing Lord is Absolutely and Totally Perfect. It is possible that the child would choose something which his parent thought he would not, simply because the knowledge of man is limited; but since the Knowledge of our Lord All-Mighty is Absolutely and Totally Perfect, His Knowledge of what one will do of his own free will, can never ever be wrong or in error.


Neither the child in the above related examples, nor man in his test of life are bound to do what was pre-determined by the document; but rather, they were allowed to choose whatever they desired to do of their own free will; and therein was their test!


Just as a teacher does not declare a student ‘failed’ before giving him an opportunity to give his examination; the Lord Most Merciful does not ‘fail’ anyone before He gives them an opportunity to give their test of life!


He is indeed the All-Knowing, and because His Knowledge is Absolutely Perfect and Absolute, He knows everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen in the future; but He is also the All-Just, and He has given each human being an opportunity of one life time as a test to either choose of their own free will to accept His Guidance and submit to Him, or deny His Guidance and reject Him!


Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 18 Surah Kahf verses 29-31:

29 Say "The Truth is from your Lord": let him who wills, believe; and let him who wills, reject (it)! For the wrongdoers (who chose to disbelieve) We have prepared a Fire whose (smoke and flames) like the wall and roof of a tent will hem them in: if they implore relief they will be granted water like melted brass that will scald their faces. How dreadful the drink! How uncomfortable a couch to recline on!

30 As to those who (chose to) believe and work righteousness, verily We shall not suffer to perish the reward of any who do a (single) righteous deed!

31 For them will be Gardens of Eternity; beneath them rivers will flow; they will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and they will wear green garments of fine silk and heavy brocade; they will recline therein on raised thrones. How good the recompense! How beautiful a couch to recline on!


Whatever one chooses to do of his own free will in his test of this short and transient period of one life time, will determine his outcome in the Eternal and Everlasting life of the Hereafter.


Dear and Beloved brother in Islam, it is of absolutely paramount importance that we understand the true concept of Fate and the bestowed ‘free-will’ to enable each of us to fulfill this test of life. If our humble and weak efforts have not satisfied your query, we request you in all humility to give us another chance to explain this concept or alternatively you may consult in person a good righteous God-fearing scholar who will be able to address this all-important matter to your satisfaction.


There are many amongst mankind who have absolutely misunderstood (or have chosen to misunderstand) this concept of fate and ‘free will’; and live their lives in ignorance and disobedience of the Divine law in their false hope that they will become righteous if their Lord has Decreed in their Fate to become righteous! Allah is our witness, their this false hope and belief will bring nothing but misery and perdition upon themselves on that Eventful and Tumultuous Day of Judgment in the Majestic and Supreme Presence of the All-Just Lord of the Worlds!


Whatever written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allah’s Assistance and Guidance, and whatever of error is of me alone. Allah Alone Knows Best and He is the Only Source of Strength.


Your brother and well wisher in Islam,




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